html> Warning! This page is not serious This page is, I repeat, is a joke. I am not some depressed loser who decided that maybe if he ragged on himself he would get some sypmathy. I am a sarcastic asshole, who got fed up with every stinking college punk like myself putting up their useless home pages with the same old crap. WHAT'S THE POINT ?! Why do you want random strangers to know about your life? I just don't understand the phenomenon. Anyway, this was something that I thought would be funny. If you have a problem with it, if you think this page was in very bad taste, and people have a right to do what they want with their computers, or if you happened to think that this was funny, click here:

Comments Form

Also, the picture on the main page is not of me (I'm really not that old) but of someone else who's name is Sam Douglass who was unfortunate enough to have a picture on the Web. I'm using it without permission. I got it from or something like that. To the bozos main page.

To my Personal home page .