My PowerMacintosh 6100

I currently have a PowerMac 7600

Model:         PowerMacintosh 7600/120
Processor: PowerPC 604
Clock Speed: 120MHz
RAM: 80Megabytes
Hard Disk: Micropolis 4110, 1GB storage capacity, internal, and Quantam Fireball II 1280 MB internal drive
Video Card: built-in video
VRAM: 4MB capable of 1152x870 pixels with 24-bit color
CD-ROM drive: standard Apple 4x CD-ROM drive
Monitor: Sony 17SE capable of resolutions up to 1600x1200 at refresh rates up to 80Hz
Microphone: Apple PlainTalk microphone
Speakers: Altec Lansing ACS3 speaker system
Trackball: Kensington TurboMouse 3.0
Video Camera: Connectix QuickCam
Network: AAUI to Fiber Optic adapter
I like Macs. Windows sucks. OK, well, Windows 3.11 sucks, and Windows 95 is pretty bad. Anyway, Macs are cool.